Saturday, 7 June 2014

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Top 5 New Features in iOS 8:

Apple recently launched iOS 8, the next generation OS for the mobile devices. According to Apple the new OS will give users great experience with smooth and amazing features under the hood.
Let’s look at the Top 5 features of the iOS8:

1.      Real time notification panel

Now users can take action on any notification on the panel. This means if there is any application notification like Facebook, Email, and Twitter etc. Then user can directly respond to the application without opening up the app.Making it very convenient for the user.

2.      Advance Spotlight Search

Spotlight just got smarter, and now it shows search results directly from Wikipedia, also shows places nearby, iTunes store, trending news and App store. It also works inside safari now.

3.      New Messaging App

Now you can just swipe your messages to communicate with your friends. Tap to talk offers to share your voice message, exchange photos and pictures. Users can also choose to share their current location with others.

4.      Predictive Text and third party keyboards

Keyboard on your device is now personalized with predictive text for quick type text. It also recognizes your recipient and the app that you’re using for the text. And just like Android, it now supports third party keyboards also.

5.      Family Sharing

Now you can share photos, purchases, calendar entries with your family members. And user can also track and download each other iTunes, iBook and store purchases.You can use your Apple ID and up to six members can participate in the group.

Special Mention:

Health Application

The App provides a fully consolidated report of all the health details gathered from various app and gives a clear picture of whole report. It offers developers the ability for health apps to interact with each other.

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