Sunday, 8 June 2014

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Top 5 Apps to stay updated with The FIFA World Cup

FIFA World Cup is only a few days away and the whole world is going crazy about it.This will be complete one month madness with 32 teams competing against each other with 3 matches a day it will become really messes up to keep track of everything that is going on in the World Cup 2014.But the smartphones and apps makes our work so easier these days.
There are many applications that can help you track FIFA world up day by day proceedings but which one of all these are the best. We have made a list of Top 5 apps that you should install to be aware of everything happening in the World Cup.

 Here are the Top 5 Apps: 


This is one of the best apps that is available in the market.You can track every information like team line-ups, live match status and also chat with other fans in the real time. The app also features social media interaction and users can read and see tweets, videos and check live table rankings.


This app is really good if you are traveling to Brazil to fulfill your world cup dream .The app gives stadium guides, map of Brazil and from there itself you can click on the stadium and view all the stats about the matches that are about to happen at that stadium and it addition it gives team formations with pictures in good format.


  The worldwide leader in sports presents this application and this offers in-depth coverage. It also features breaking news, commentators and ESPN team of analysts. And even after the world cup ends you can still use the app and be updated with your favorite clubs status.


Is it becoming difficult for you to pass time waiting for the World Cup? This is the fun time pass app for the people who are counting each hour, minute and even second to the start of the World Cup. This App provides a countdown for the start of the world cup till last second.


FIFA’s official app is not as quite good as other apps mentioned in the list and the app takes forever time to load and doesn’t have many features .The good things about the app is it is available in 5 languages and offers latest news directly from FIFA site and official FIFA country rankings.

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